Sunday, August 18, 2013

RPi-Monitor: Version 2.3 is available

Note: A new version of RPi-Monitor is available: Version 2.4.
All the details about the latest version of Rpi-Monitor are in RPi-Monitor overview

The version 2.3 of RPi-Monitor has been released.

If you don't know yet what RPI-Monitor do, have a look to RPi-Monitor Overview.

Photo from Flickr AttributionNoncommercialShare Alike cc-by-nc-sa by reidab

What's new in this version?

This version mainly comes with bug fixes and few optimisation.

Here is the changelog of version 2.3:
  • Add small improvement given by a feedback in RPi-Experiences blog
  • Use javascript to resize correctly shellinabox iframe even in Firefox
  • Fix issue #9: Wrong calculation of used memory
  • Fix issue #11: adding friends link missing colon

Thursday, August 1, 2013

A LCD display my RPi and RPi-Monitor

I saw on the internet that it is possible to use a LCD to display information from the Raspberry Pi. RPi-Monitor is gathering a lot of information and it could be interesting to have such an information available without a computer. So I decided to purchase a PCD8544 from

Photo from Flickr Attribution cc-by by arduinolabs

This post is describing how to acquire, connect and use such a component with he Raspberry Pi and gives an example showing how to connect it with RPi-Monitor.