RPi-Monitor Overview

Note: A new version of RPi-Monitor is available.
For alla details about RPi-Monitor refer to RPi-Monitor Documentation.


RPi-Monitor is keeping an eye on your Raspberry Pi and presenting the globale health in a status page.

Status of Raspberry Pi

The status page presents a summary of:
  • Version: Installed and is it up to date?
  • Uptime: Current clock of the Raspberry Pi and how long is it running.
  • CPU: Load average, and CPU configuration.
  • Temperature: Current temperature measured in the CPU
  • Memory: Amount of memory available
  • Swap: Swap usage
  • SD Card: Disk usage for partition boot and root
  • Network: Volume of data exchanged on the network

The data extracted are also stored into RRD database and presented as graphs.
Statistics of Raspberry Pi
Available graphs are:

  • CPU Loads
  • Network
  • Disk Boot
  • Disk Root
  • Swap
  • Memory
  • Uptime
  • Temperature

RPi-Monitor  is designed to be customisable to fit you specific needs. You will for instance found in this blog soem tutorial explaining how to:

RPi-Monitor is a self monitoring application designed to run on Raspberry Pi.
For performance and security reason, RPi-Monitor separates the extraction of the information from the presentation of the information.
The extraction of the information is done by a process designed to run as a daemon (which is executed as root). The extracted key performance indicators (KPI) from the computer are stored them into a Round Robin Database (RRD) to keep an history of the health of the computer. rpimonitord is the perl script also starts the embedded web server giving access to the pages. The web server is running into a separate process owned by a non root user (the user 'pi' by default).
The presentation of the information is performed by HTML5 pages. These pages dynamically download the information extracted from the previous script and perform the rendering the in a nice looking format (using bootstrapjqueryjsqrencodejavascriptrrd and flot). This architecture has the advantage in an embedded architecture to offload the server task and delegate processing and rendering to the client.


If you can wait anymore and want to try RPi-Monitor immediately have a look to RPi-Monitor articles. This page will drive you to the lastest version.

If you don't use Raspbian, have a look the Github and find how to install RPi-Monitor in your favorite distro.


In an event you would like to remove RPi-Monitor you can execute the command:
dpkg --purge rpimonitor


RPi-Monitor is fully configurable so if the displayed information doesn't match you need, customize it.
Everything display in status pages or in statistics pages can be modified, tuned and customized to your needs.

To see how to customize it, use the command
    man rpimonitord
    man rpimonitord.conf

Man pages are also available in the wiki.

To define the configuration you can use RPi-Monitor Interactive Configuration Helper whit the command:

    rpimonitord -i

You will find some examples of customization in RPi-Monitor articles.


Once RPi-Monitor is configured as you wished, browse http://RPiIpAddress:8888/ to access to the web interface.

Note: The graphs rendering may have strange behavior on Google-Chrome on Windows while it works fine on Linux. Internet Explorer is even not able to display statistics, it is then advised to use Firefox on Windows or better... switch to Linux! ;-). 


  1. How can I set password on login? (-:

    1. read this post: http://rpi-experiences.blogspot.fr/2013/05/rpi-monitor-security-and-authentication.html

  2. Great software. I've started using it to build temperature logger for home.
    I'm using DS18B20 and "gpio software 1 wire" module.
    A few questions/remarks:
    1) Sometimes I've got strange readings (0 Celsius) from sensor. It's probably because of CRC error. Is it possible to add functionality of checking some conditions (ex CRC Yes or No) and add value do database ONLY if CRC is OK?
    2) I need functionality to raise an alarm (ex send an email) if temperature is bellow/above limits. Is it possible to implement that?


    1. Hi Piotr

      For these both question,I would suggest to aly what I proposed in the comment in October 24, 2013 at 2:50 PM on article about DHT11/22: (creating a dedicted script doing the job)
      Note: for the moment I don't plan to add alarms by mail but I'll add it in my ideas list.


    2. Thank, I've already made a script displaying temperature on LCD (using lcdproc) and doing alarm stuff. To get rid of 1 wire errors it's a good idea to use owfs rather than manually read temperature from sensor.

  3. Merci pour ce soft, j'ai pu rajouter le wifi sans aucun problème.

  4. i have removed swap from raspberian and therefore statistics do not work anymore... how can i fix this?

  5. Where can I make a donation for RPI?

    1. Good question :-). I added a flattr and Paypal link on the right menu.
      Such a question is a good motivation for me to continue my effort on RPi-Monitor even if, due to a new job, I've less time for the project...

  6. download bandwitch is shown as negative values. It's bug or feature ?

    1. This is a feature :-). But, remember, everything is cusomizable in RPI-Monitor...

  7. Hello, I would like can edit the Web rpi-monitor, it could be? staying in that directory?
    and other question, one can make a loggin otherwise than this?

    Thank you very much, the project is very interesting.

    1. I don't understand all your questions... But, I just wrote a FAQ and I guess you will find answers to your questions in this new page (reachable from the top menu).

    2. sorry, I used the translator, my English is not very good.
      Can be edited web interface? for example to add an image or something else at access my rpi-monitor xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: 8888?

      the other question was. Can be included login and pass to access my rpi-monitor?
      without installing nginx or shellinabox?
      Thank you very much for your patience.

    3. All the answer to your question are into the FAQ (on into article of this blog).

  8. Hi Xavier, you say data are stored in a RDD then should I be worry about my SD card which has limited write cycles ?

    1. Good question. I don't have the response. The only thing I can say is that only few data are modified each time a value is stored. If somebody reading this comment have a better knowledge on SD, comment is welcome.
